Bullseyes: ④ (out of 5)
Some documentaries are
f***ed up. Life 2.0 is one of them. The movie follows the online antics of four
sad sap url addicts who while away their wasted lives playing the popular
virtual reality game, ‘Second Life’.
Up first is a bored
housewife looking for…something. A
recent divorcee from Calgary is happy to give it to her. And give it to her he does. Over and over and over… Christ. I’ve never seen animated sex before but
watching these two grind their invisible organs together while moaning in
imagined ecstasy is anything but erotic.
‘Asri’ is a chirpy,
well rounded young lassie who rarely sees the sun, trapped as she is in her
underground compound building her imaginary fashion empire which – believe it
or not – actually makes her money! (Real money!
Over 6 figures some years…). Asri
is the most loveable of the featured subjects, partly because she appears to be
genuinely talented and she does at least make the effort to get out of the
house and go and meet her avatar alter-ego amigos.
‘Ayya’ is the wackiest of the bunch. A 30 something web designer who’s fiancée mopes
upstairs in the kitchen while he ignores her in favour of his online imitation
which just happens to be – an 11 year old girl…?
In the end Life 2.0
confirms something I have long suspected: we humans are seriously f****d up.